City Builders, as a leading construction company in all aspects of engineering, has adopted a policy to ensure the implementation and maintenance of a quality management system. The quality objective of CityBuilders is to enormously improve overall performance so that customers can be provided with a services safety reliability and value in all contracts undertaken by the company.
The Management of City Builders is committed to quality. “It is our belief that our customer quality requirements can only be attained through the active involvement of all employees both within the company and those assigned to the projects.” The quality commitment can only be achieved through the right aining techniques supervision and attitude to build a quality product for our
The Manager Quality and Safety have the authority and organizational freedom to identify quality problems to initiate recommend or provide someone and to verify implementation of quality systems, The quality manual Procedures and quality plans form the “key stones” of City Builders (Pvt) Ltd. Principles, to have over a quality product built in accordance with codes, specifications and clients engineering practices.
The company quality Management system is fundamental in the training of the employees and during induction of new employees. This ensures that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization.